War, Sports, and Organized Religion
In-Depth Details, Maps, Information, and Citations; for Each
"Holy War"
ORGANIZED RELIGION v. spirituality
Mothers' Day for Peace
"Our Husbands shall not come to us, reeking with carnage,
for caresses and applause.
"Our Sons shall not be taken from us to unlearn all that we have been able to teach them of Charity, Mercy and Patience."
you are born a worthless sinner.
We will beat the love of god into you.
Once you are god-fearing, we will force you to be Obedient Students and UnQuestioning Soldiers.
We're in charge here, don't fool yourselves.
You cannot please yourself for that proves you're not pleasing Us.
If you are not pleasing Us, you're a worthless sinner and you will suffer.
You must please Us, because we are men of god.
Only if WE give you OUR approval, will your miserable life will have meaning.
Obedience is god-like.
Pleasure is for sinners.
You cannot follow your own Truths, for your own Truths are wrong.
Only OUR truths are true and right!
You can not do anything without Our permision.
God doesn't believe in freelance Religions. They lead you to paganism, individuality, and, horror-of-horrors, Spirituality. Far better to rape helpless children.
If you follow you own Truths, We, as god's army, will punish you, just as we do helpless children.
Thinking for yourself is OUR job!
If you attempt to think for yourself, confusion reigns.
Once are tempted, you may stray from your predesignated destination-OUR path.
Since our path is the only path, there is Only One Way.
One Way Only.
Remember: We do whatever we must to keep you from straying.
There is no Life on this Planet!
For life, We believe in endless War, Armageddon, and the Apocalypse.
Only One Way.
Gold Proves God Loves Us.
We have to eat, drink wine, have golden objects, and gold-plate everything within our site/sight. All this Gold proves God loves Us. That's good enough for Us!
Golden sin calves
of Exodus,
and 1 Kings in the Old Testament-
Now, that's about what we're talkin'!
Jesus didn't really mean it when He said, three separate times : Matthew, Mark, and Luke
" I tell you the truth, it is hard for
a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven."
"Again I tell you,
it is easier for a camel
to go through the eye of a needle
than for a rich man
to enter the kingdom of God."
It's like " Thou Shalt Not Kill " and " You Shall Not Murder "
from Exodus 20:1-17 and Deuteronomy 5:4-21. They're so goddamned old and outdated. Nobody pays attention anymore.
They NEVER worked out. So, we just ignore them.
We KNOW god never proscribed killing and murder for US.
Our enemies are god's enemies and for that we fight endless wars, destroying the world in the process. We Welcome Death of Everything that is alive.
We worship annihilation.
You MAY think there are no loopholes to golden calves' and eyes of needles' mandates, BUT you're wrong. Remember child raping.
It's all for the better good.
We NEED gold-plated everything that visually confirms God's Love.
Any mere peasants daring a look inside will be humiliated.
Can you imagine entering a Cathedral and NOT be overwhelmed by gold?
Yea, our Button is Bigger than their Button.
If Fact, Our Button is Bigger than Anyone's Button.
If we didn't have Organized Religion (Living Corporations) that needs more gold (oil), then how could we have Wars?
Organized Religion has always been the excuse for War. We want Oil=We hate Islam. We want Cheese=We hate Switzerland and their 68% ±0.4% Christian (including 37.3% ±0.2% Roman Catholic, 24.9% ±0.2% Reformed, 5.8% ±0.1% other), 23.9% ±0.2% nonreligious, 5.0% ±0.1% Muslim, 0.2% ±0.0% Jewish, 1.4% ±0.0% other.
Look at the Living Corporations' U.S. Military Machine. It carries Organized Religions' pastors, preachers, rabbis and what-have you (excepting Mullahs, of course, what would people think?) on all invasions, to help soldiers feel better about killing, taking other peoples' countries and ever-so-valuable resources, and expanding both Christian Dominance and the U.S. Empire.
Onward, Christian soldiers cannot have sexual urges. Sexual urges are for animals.
Humans are not animals. Humans were placed upon earth to dominate animals. Humans were placed upon earth to dominate ALL to the very End-Which is Now.
As men of god, we have to be celibate, of course.
But, here's another loophole. This is so important, we've mentioned this repeatedly: Celibacy does not include Our right to rape vulnerable young children that trust us.
Raping young children is a perk, whoops, part of our responsibilities; which is to ensure young children remain god-fearing. We're never prosecuted. The Holy Office of the Inquisition, formerly headed by Pope 1, the retired Nazi, always covers our tracks. We never get caught! And, woe be to any prosecutor.
God says it's OK.
We have to beat the fear of god into everyone. We must have obedient bureaucrats and cannon fodders, whoops, "soldiers."
In eternal War, We must torture all enemies, and all are our enemies, so they become as god-fearing as us.
Our enemies must surrender and admit they know our god is bigger than theirs, just as our button is bigger.
OUR god is so much bigger and better. Weep!
So they fully understand, our infinite enemies are beaten, quite slowly, to insanity, then obliteration.
Or, incinerated from above by Raytheon (r) and Google (r) in but one-half second's flash.
"Variety is the Spice of Death."
God knows we are not animals.
God knows we are not even part of this planet.
As Rulers, it is our duty to subjugate all deviancy, including the Wild.
In order for us to destroy the Wild and, as rewards, reap all the Wild's irreplaceable resources such as clean air, oxygen, pure water, and abundant habitats for all Creatures; we need MORE money. It takes money to pay mercenaries of Occupation, buy bulldozers to crush millions of Rachel Corriesy, and scorch this wretched earth into barren wasteland, over which WE Rule!
Praying for Armageddon, Bringing Apocalypse and Death to all pagans who believe the Earth is Alive-Only then will god return to take us to the Garden of Eden, which will have trees, plants, and friendly animals; such as those formerly on Planet Earth, before we killed them all.
AT 406-225-4235.
The sixth ring offers a five-minute message window. That's a lot.
I'll receive your message in text and reply in kind.
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This is a Support Group for Those Returning from Head and Brain Injuries and Brain Surgeries. Your
Contributions Welcomed!
I'm Returning from 12 Head and Brain Surgeries myself. It's hard. So be it. I'm not a "Woe is me" guy. I'm a reporter, journalist, and editor with 50 years' experience.
I can't walk or talk, but every one of these sites will gradually get better, as I regain complex cognitive thinking.
In time, ALL will be well worth beholding.

A journalist with more than 50 years’ experience in Western politics and resource issues, Paul Thomas Richards has served as editor or co-editor of three newspapers, newsman and editor for The Associated Press, and elections manager for The AP, UPI, ABC, CBS, CNN, and NBC.
Richards founded and produced a successful radio news network; founded and hosted a political television interview program; founded and managed a news service for weekly newspapers; and authored a syndicated political column.
In 2006, Richards, a voluntarily-retired member of the Montana House of Representatives, achieved third in a field of five candidates for U.S. Senate, AFTER endorsing an opponent.
Richards owns PR Media Consultants®, Public Interest Media Since 1968™, a leading consulting firm for nonprofit organizations and Indigenous Peoples; and works as a professional book editor, researcher, writer, investigative reporter, long-range planner, tactician, strategist, orator, and public interest implementor.